Clouds of Glory

I’m having a winter clear-out; from one box – which I mightn’t have looked through in the twenty years I’ve lived in Pembrokeshire – I dug this photograph.
It was given to me back in the 1980s by a railway enthusiast friend; being from Lancashire he thought that, as it depicted a GWR locomotive, I’d better have it.
It’s a contemporary print, I reckon: when you turn it in good light, you see the sheen of silver. The condition of the locomotive (a GWR County class 4-4-0) and the livery of the carriages suggest pre First World War – but only just, because details of the loco put its construction year as 1912 or later.
A winter shot; almost certainly the train is heading south on the “North and West” line from Shrewsbury to Newport (Mon)… Hardly the cosiest of engine cabs!