Musselwick Mouth, tide rising

Keep scrolling down! I saw the potential for a picture just after I’d had a mid-June late afternoon swim off the rocks – quite safe, here, when the sea is calm. While I was sketching the next day two girls, Ripley and Scout, were exploring with their father: I made a quick sketch of the older sister (Ripley) with the idea of putting near and far figures into the painting (on foreground rock and up by cave mouth); but my Tasting Panel was near unanimous in saying figures weren’t needed – so the last image here is the finished signed work.

The picture is, inevitably, a composite view: the light here is best on the cliffs in the evening, but the sea colours only really glow as I’ve shown during the afternoon.

A very rapid sketch.
I might make use of it some other way!
Musselwick Mouth, tide rising
Oil on panel, 16″ x 16″