Plastic harvest

While the farmers have been busy combining the barley whenever this moody summer has allowed, I have been hauling plastic off the beaches. This collection is from Musselwick Sands and Marloes Sands over the last few weeks. Quite a weight when you add it all up – and I could have been bringing timber home, if it wasn’t for this junk.

At least, after unravelling, the original ball of knots produced (LHS) some useful rope pieces.
If you put “Vismijn” into an online translator you get “Fish Market”; but “mijn” translates as “mine”.
Surely that’s how all fishermen think of the sea – as a fish mine.
…And what do you do with a mine? You extract from it until it is all worked out.
Costanzo’s are in Buffalo, New York State, USA
Did this float here all the way from Niagara Falls?
Maybe thirty years ago, in my slide film era, I found a box printed “Kilmore Fish”.
I thought, “Well boys, you certainly keep to your word!”
Another American contribution.
Alas, this was full of old sump oil when it first came ashore;
you can guess where all that ended up, after the swell had given it a good going over.
What were they thinking of, the person who ditched it overboard?
Vlaamse, Belgium, with a sea-wrecking trawler in the foreground.
Is she VM 01 or VM 02…?