Poem: As soon as ease of rain

24th February 2021

As soon as ease of rain, dress for out!

Step from your prisoning house,
And with that happy-tinkling key
Firmlock behind you the pedant human world.

Stretch strides, with stick ready
To steady against the swearable wind,
And soon you will be at the first path gate:
There, click yourself through.

And while with every engusted daww and thruff
The blackthorns crowd restlessly alongside,
And a fewyards dunnock sweetscribbles the spitty air,
Stillstand at the field’s head.

Admire the bashy sea, cliffing it halfway high;
Sympathise that empty tankship
Lollop-rolling to her cranklebuck chain;
Maze at those ton-up seagulls
Who carve the humid mid distance
Easy as fly-by-wire jets.

As you watch, unthought yourself
Of our society’s every nonsense:
Let those blasting gusts
Blunderbuss your head full of new, clean, imaginations.

And, yes, ditch all your screeny opinions –
Letting roaring Nature
Raw you with the realness of her reality,
Undeniably the only true truth.

© Christopher Jessop 2021