Poem: Filkin’s Drift

A folk duo who are walking with their “support man” from venue to venue, no backup transport, round the whole Wales Coast Path, raising money for charity. Last night they played at Sandy Hill chapel, Sandy Haven. Keep scrolling down for the draft poem, and then ideas jotted into my sketch book during the performance: I might have tried a gig sketch, but alas lighting not conducive.
Their website is filkinsmusic.com

Two men, both so skilled in Music,
Walking the water’s edge of Wales, every mile:
South, sunwards, in these shortening days
Carrying all, including precious instruments.
Collecting inspiration with every Autumn-weathered step,
Chester to Chepstow as the plough turns,
Apples press, acorns fall, seals are born.

Here tonight where the sea-eagle spreads,
Hard beside reach of Atlantic tide:
Just a pair of chairs and a good acoustic, electricity not required
But such a power of strings and voices!
Telling crossing of rivers, meetings with ancient saints;
Reminding us, by singing about the follies of olden others,
Of who we should not be, what must not do –
And also celebrating how we
Could live life, can dance, might love…
Thus so glad, this audience all, to support their cause
And bid them onward travel well.

©Christopher Jessop  2023