Poem: Special Welcome

24th December 2021 (Initial composition 15th December)

Night after longwatch night,
So heavy the sky has stayed;
And while we have rejoiced some sun-arced days,
Each evening weighty vapours have come curtaining.
Thus although it is mid month
And December’s moon is almost at the full,
This is our first evening chance to see her.
A special close-to-year-close welcome, then, dear Selene,
From we the storm-subdued
Who’ve longed for night-lighting cheer.

Walking out in the deep dusk
After a grateful day completing garden tasks,
Such satisfaction to see upon the road ahead
Sharp shadows of our westbound selves…
And there, south-east over shoulders,
Rising through fine ice-spun veils,
Our sea-commanding Queen, her placid gaze
Such a salve in this time of often sadful news.

© Christopher Jessop 2021